Academics » Band/Chorus


Music Fills our Halls


band students

Instrumental Music (Band) is offered to students in grades 4 and 5. Students who sign up for band have the wonderful opportunity to learn how to play a musical instrument, create and read music notation, and perform music for an audience. Learning to play an instrument is both challenging and very rewarding for students who are dedicated, determined, and engaged. Band lessons during the school day usually begin the first full week of school in September. Lessons meet on one assigned day per week, and the time of the lesson rotates throughout the day. Band rehearsals are twice a week before school and typically begin at the end of September for Concert Band (mostly 5th graders), and the beginning of January for Primary Band (4th/5th grade beginners). The band usually performs two concerts per year, one Winter Concert and one Spring Concert. There are several other opportunities throughout the year for band students to perform. Band students are expected to practice their instrument at home every night for at least 20 minutes and come to lessons/rehearsals prepared to learn, work hard, and have fun!

Chorus students
Chorus is offered to students in grades 4 and 5. Chorus typically begins at the beginning of October, and rehearsals are typically held twice a week, before school, for one hour. The chorus usually performs two concerts per year, one Winter Concert and one Spring Concert. Chorus members are expected to be on time, work hard, and be respectful.